News and events


Good News!
Our ‘Build-a-Bog’ Christmas appeal which had a target of paying for 10 toilets in India at £41 each has raised enough for 20; double our original target!
Tony is sending a cheque for £820 off to Christian Aid, thank you to everyone who contributed.
This Sunday 27th February Rev Denis Smith will be taking our communion service; no Sunday school but there’ll be activity sheets for the children.
On Sunday 6th March we’ve got an afternoon walk & tea. Meet 2.30pm at Tony’s house, back around 4pm for tea (bring cakes to share) if you can’t make the walk you’re welcome to join us for the tea.
On Saturday 26th March our Springtime Litter pick, meet 10am at the Cornwell Centre where the Neighbourhood Wardens will have bags and tools for a 2 hour blitz of the local area. Coincidentally the Royal Oak opens at 12noon if we feel we deserve a drink afterwards.